John Nolan

Call: 2024

Tel: +61 2 8227 4400

Practice Areas

  • Insolvency & Bankruptcy
  • Commercial & Equity
  • Corporations
  • Taxation
  • Banking & Finance
  • Competition & Consumer
  • Building & Construction
  • Criminal
  • Regulatory

John accepts briefs in all areas of law. He practices predominantly in commercial law, with a focus on insolvency, bankruptcy, corporations, banking and equity. John also has significant experience in Federal and State criminal law, and disputes relating to taxation, property and construction. John’s instructing solicitors include small and large law firms, sole practitioners, government agencies, and regulators.

John has appeared both led and unled in contested applications and hearings in all jurisdictions in NSW and in the Federal Court of Australia.

Before coming to the Bar, John also practiced as a solicitor for 7 years having been admitted to the Supreme Court of NSW and the High Court. During his time as a solicitor, John was a Senior Associate in Ashurst’s tier-one Restructuring, Insolvency and Special Situations Group, a Senior Associate at Colin Biggers & Paisley in its Restructuring & Insolvency group, and a Federal Prosecutor for the Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions.

As a solicitor in commercial practice, John acted for insolvency practitioners, State and Federal government agencies, small to large companies, directors, funds, and foreign and domestic banks and lenders. His practice involved both advising on front-end restructuring and litigation predominantly in the Supreme Court of NSW and the Federal Court of Australia.

Selection of cases (as Counsel)

  • Scott Langdon in his capacity as joint and several Trustee of the Digital Surge Creditors’ Trust (2024) NSWSC (Equity, Judicial Advice), led by D Williams SC
  • Zagga Investments Pty Ltd v AMAL Security Services Pty Ltd & Ors (2024) NSWSC (Equity, Redemption of Mortgage), led by J Giles SC and M Rose
  • Procent Pty Ltd v Judo Bank & Ors (2024) NSWSC (Equity, Corporations), led by G Sirtes SC, S Docker SC
  • Vardy (liquidator) v Titan Cranes and Rigging Pty Ltd, in the matter of Boon Business Consultants Pty Ltd (in liq) [2024] FCA 1410 (Practice and Procedure, Suppression Orders), unled
  • Fourteen Consulting Services Pty Ltd (in liq) v A.O.B Holding Pty Ltd (in liq) (No 5) [2024] FCA 1029 (Corporations, Insolvency), led by R Notley
  • Brian Stanley Fisher v Deputy Commissioner of Australian Taxation Office & Anor [2024] FCA 1364 (Taxation, Part IVC, Costs), led by K Josifoski
  • Youssef v Commissioner of Taxation [2024] FCA 1154 (Taxation, Part IVC), led by D McClure SC and K Josifoski
  • Mooi Holdings Pty Ltd v SFN Constructions Pty Ltd (2024) NSWSC (Construction), led by F Ashworth and S Hanscombe
  • In the matter of the bankrupt estate of Marlas Zhu (2024) FCA (Bankruptcy, Examinations)
  • Dive Lawyers Pty Ltd t/as Dive Lawyers & Notaries v The Manager, Costs Assessment [2024] NSWSC 721 (Costs), led by M Castle

Selection of cases (as Solicitor)

  • Mooi Holdings Pty Ltd v SFN Constructions Pty Ltd [2023] NSWSC 573 (Construction)
  • DSHE Holdings Ltd (Receivers and Managers) (in liq) v Potts; HSBC Bank Ltd v Abboud; Potts v National Australia Bank Ltd [2022] NSWCA 165; 405 ALR 70 (Corporations)
  • NR Addlestone Pty Ltd v Henry v Kogan [2021] NSWSC 1410 (Corporations, Insolvency)
  • Hayes (Liquidator) v 5G Developments Pty Ltd, in the matter of 5G Developments Pty Ltd [2019] FCA 15414 (Corporations, Insolvency)
  • Re Madden (in his capacity as receiver of Direct Acceptance Corporation Ltd (In Liq) (2019) ACSR 245 (Corporations, Insolvency)